Открыт доступ к архивной коллекции журналов издательства Oxford University Press . Владивостокский государственный университет ВВГУ

Открыт доступ к архивной коллекции журналов издательства Oxford University Press

15 февраля 2013

Открыт доступ к  архивной  коллекции журналов издательства Oxford University Press. Всего 169 журналов. Глубина архива - с 1 выпуска до 1995 года включительно.  

Доступ осуществляется по адресу:

Перечень журналов:     

  1. American Literary History
  2. Analysis
  3. Applied Linguistics
  4. The Cambridge Quarterly
  5. Early Music
  6. The British Journal For The Philosophy Of Science
  7. Age And Ageing
  8. American Journal Of Epidemiology
  9. Alcohol And Alcoholism
  10. Annals Of Occupational Hygiene
  11. Annals Of Oncology
  12. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
  13. British Journal Of Anaesthesia
  14. Annals Of Botany
  15. Behavioural Ecology
  16. Biometrika
  17. Brain
  18. British Journal of Aesthetics
  19. Bioinformatics
  20. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
  21. African Affairs
  22. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
  23. British Journal Of Criminology
  24. The British Journal Of Social Work
  25. British Medical Bulletin
  26. Cambridge Journal of Economics
  27. Carcinogenesis
  28. Cardiovascular Researc
  29. Cerebral Cortex
  30. Chemical Senses
  31. Christian bioethics NEW
  32. Clinical Infectious Diseases NEW
  33. Community Development Journal
  34. Contributions to Political Economy
  35. ELT Journal
  36. English
  37. English Historical Review
  38. Environmental History NEW
  39. Epidemiologic Reviews
  40. Essays in Criticism
  41. European Heart Journal
  42. European Journal of Orthodontics, The
  43. European Journal of Public Health, The
  44. European Review of Agricultural Economics
  45. European Sociological Review
  46. Family Practice
  47. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research
  48. Forum for Modern Language Studies
  49. French History
  50. French Studies
  51. French Studies Bulletin
  52. German History
  53. Gerontologist, The
  54. Glycobiology
  55. Health Education Research
  56. Health Policy and Planning
  57. Health Promotion International
  58. History Workshop Journal
  59. Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  60. Human Molecular Genetics
  61. Human Reproduction
  62. Human Reproduction Update
  63. ICES Journal of Marine Science
  64. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
  65. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
  66. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
  67. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
  68. Industrial and Corporate Change
  69. Industrial Law Journal
  70. Integrative and Comparative Biology
  71. Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and the Environment
  72. International Immunology
  73. International Journal for Quality in Health Care
  74. International Journal of Epidemiology
  75. International Journal of Law and Information Technology
  76. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
  77. International Journal of Lexicography
  78. International Journal of Public Opinion Research
  79. International Journal of Refugee Law
  80. International Mathematics Research Notices NEW
  81. IT Now (formerly the Computer Bulletin)
  82. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
  83. JNCI
  84. Journal of African Economies
  85. Journal of American History NEW
  86. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  87. Journal of Biochemistry
  88. Journal of Church and State
  89. Journal of Design History
  90. Journal of Electron Microscopy
  91. Journal of Environmental Law
  92. Journal of Experimental Botany
  93. Journal of Heredity
  94. Journal of Infectious Diseases NEW
  95. Journal of Islamic Studies
  96. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization
  97. Journal of Logic and Computation
  98. Journal of Molluscan Studies
  99. Journal of Pediatric Psychology
  100. Journal of Petrology
  101. Journal of Plankton Research
  102. Journal of Public Administration Research
  103. Journal of Public Health
  104. Journal of Refugee Studies
  105. Journal of Semantics
  106. Journal of Semitic Studies
  107. Journal of the American Academy of Religion
  108. Journal of the History of Collections
  109. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  110. Journal of Theological Studies
  111. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
  112. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
  113. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
  114. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
  115. Library, The
  116. Literary and Linguistic Computing
  117. Literature and Theology
  118. Logic Journal of the IGPL
  119. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA
  120. Medical Law Review
  121. Mind
  122. Modern Judaism
  123. Molecular Human Reproduction
  124. Music and Letters
  125. Musical Quarterly, The
  126. Mutagenesis
  127. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
  128. Notes and Queries
  129. Nucleic Acids Research
  130. OAH Magazine of History NEW
  131. Occupational Medicine
  132. Opera Quarterly
  133. Oral History Review
  134. Oxford Art Journal
  135. Oxford Economic Papers
  136. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
  137. Oxford Review of Economic Policy
  138. Parliamentary Affairs
  139. Past & Present
  140. Philosophia Mathematica
  141. Plant and Cell Physiology
  142. Political Analysis
  143. Protein Engineering
  144. Public Opinion Quarterly
  145. Publius
  146. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine
  147. Quarterly Journal of Economics NEW
  148. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
  149. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
  150. Radiation Protection Dosimetry
  151. Refugee Survey Quarterly
  152. Review of Economic Studies NEW
  153. Review of English Studies
  154. Rheumatology
  155. Screen
  156. Social History of Medicine
  157. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
  158. Sociology of Religion
  159. Statute Law Review
  160. Systematic Biology
  161. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
  162. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy NEW
  163. Toxicological Sciences
  164. Trusts & Trustees NEW
  165. Twentieth Century British History
  166. World Bank Economic Review
  167. World Bank Research Observer
  168. Year\\'s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
  169. Year\\'s Work in English Studies

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